Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Before Civilization: The Prehistoric Era Part 1

Today in Mr. Schick’s Western Civilization class we began class by getting new seats. I now sit in the far left corner of the room where I have Grace who sits behind and some kid, who I cannot remember his name. Anyway I wish I was a little closer to Holly and Kelly but it is good enough. After we got our new seats, we took notes on a power point presented by Mr. Schick. In this power point we learned that over 200,000 years ago the first humans were in Southwest Asia. Also, 14,000 years ago was the worldwide human race. This time was also known as the Paleolithic Age. The Paleolithic Age is the Old Stone Age. The Neolithic Age is the New Stone Age. The Agricultural Revolution was also known as the Neolithic Revolution. In the Agricultural Revolution, the population increased, which meant more kids; however, the women’s status decreased. The villages were polytheistic. They worshiped nature and, humans, and animal gods. At the end of class we watched a video and did not finish taking notes on it. 

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