Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Egypt: Geogpraphy, Pyramids, Daily Life, Godesses and Gods, and Pharaohs Part 1

Today in Mr. Schick’s West Civ class, Mr. Schick created a Prezi and we all took notes on the lesson. In the Prezi, there were five categories. The categories were Geography, Pyramids, Daily Life, Goddesses and Gods, and Pharaohs. We only got through the categories Geography, Pyramids and the beginning of Daily Life. We learned the Geography of Egypt. Egyptian life is and was centered on the great Nile River. Unlike most waterways, the Nile River flows south to north. Every July, the river floods and leaves behind very fertile soil called silt. The Nile River empties out into the Mediterranean Sea. The Egyptians used water for drinking, for irrigating, for bathing, and for transportation. The delta is a broad, marshy area of fertile silt. Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation. A great part of the history of Egypt was the pyramids for example, the Great Sphinx of Giza, were enormous pyramids that were built around 2555-2532 B.C. It was a recumbent lion with a human’s head sitting at rest. It is the oldest monumental statue in the world. 

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