Sunday, March 17, 2013

Extras For Test

Important Dates:
1600-1200 BC- Mycenaean Civilization 
1150-750 BC-Dark Ages
776 BC- origin of the Olympics
750-700 BC-approximate time Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey
508 BC- Isagorous (tyrant) was in charge and they stood up against him
490- 471 BC- the battle marathon in the first invasion of Greece; King Darius attacks Athens
480 BC-the Straits of Salamis (trapped Persia in the sea)
461-429 BC- the age of Pericles 
447- 438 BC- the time it took them to build the Parthenon
431-404BC- Peloponesian War
336 BC- the Lyceum was the school that Plato founded of his own 

I missed some notes while I was absent so I got these from Grace:
  • reading/writing was rare
  • life expectancy was 15 years
  • 3/4 of Athens was mountains= lots of water travel
  • impossible for a single ruler to rule all of Greece- formed many city states
  • Spartan men were raised to be part of the military
  • Red cloaks were used to blend in blood
  • Olives were good resources- olive oil was good for trade
  • Eastern Mediterrean was the best place for trading
  • pottery people were at the bottom of society
  • 776 BC: first olympics
  • Olympics: anyone could compete for greatness
  • Ostracize: being banned from Athens
  • White pebble meant yes, black meant no
  • Gathered at the agora every nine days to vote on things
  • Greeks: freedom; Persia: obidence
  • Triemes were the best/most advanced weapon
  • Pisitratus needed allies to remain in power over Athens for generations- went to the common people for help
  • Pisitratus reduced taxes and introduced loan
  • Pisitratus increased prosperity
  • 527 BC: Pisistratus died- Hippyass took over (son)
  • Hippyass was a tyrant who became paranoid after his brother was murdered
  • Hippyass was overthrown and banished from Athens
  • 570 BC: Cleisthehes was born, aristocrat
  • Cleisthehes was inspired by ancient stories & myths
  • 510BC: Cleithehes took over power
  • Cleithehes took over power again after Isagoris surrendors- allowed the people to control the government
  • Cleithehes had an agora built so there could be a place where people could vote
  • Themistocles didn't have a typical aristocrat childhood. 
  • Themistocles learned leadership by going to the voting meetings
  • Themistocles was one of the greatest Athenian leaders 
  • Themistocles warned Athens that Persia might be coming back again, stronger than before 
  • 6th century BC: aristocrats controlled Athens
  • 508 BC: Athens had a revolution after Isagoris took power. Isagoris surrendered. FIRST TIME IN RECORDED HISTORY THERE WAS A REVOLT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. Athens turned to Cleithehes for help.
  • 490 BC: Phildephies ran to warn Athens the Persians were coming. He then ran to Sparta to ask for them to help defeat Persia- Sparta declined. He ran 140 miles in two days
  • Persian Empire had the strongest army
  • Draius (tyrant) was the king to the Persians aka "The Great King"
  • People had to cover there mouth when they came in Draius presence
  • ISAGORIS vs. CLEISTHEHES (for power of Athens): Isagoris got help from Sparta to defeat Cleisthehes. Cleisthehes left Athens & Isagoris took over
  • PERSIA vs. ATHENS: Athens was outnumbered 2-1. Heploits were the trained Athenian army. Many ordinary people from Athens helped to come fight. ATHENS WON because Athens had more will to fight because they were fighting for their country while the Persian Army (20,000 people) was fighting because they were told too. 

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