Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Power Point Notes on Alexander the Great

Notes on Alexander the Great
·        King Phillip II
Ø Alexander’s father
Ø Born in Pella Macedonia
Ø While held hostage learned military background
Ø King of Macedonia from 359 BC-336 BC
·        Olympias
Ø Most political impact was when she ordered Eurydice to kill Phillip III to ensure that Alexander would become king
Ø Originally the princess
Ø Had an arranged marriage
Ø Name was Myrtle then was named Olympias after King Phillip’s horse won at the Olympic Games
Ø Claimed that Alexander was the son of Zeus
Early Years
·        Born in Pella of Macedonia on September 20, 350BC
·        Resented his father because of his absence
·        Mother was a powerful role model
·        Buchephalus
Ø 344BC dealer from Thessalia offered a black horse to King Phillip
Ø Animal seemed unable to tame
Ø Phillip wasn’t interested
Ø Alexander wanted to tame it
Ø Noticed that the horse was afraid of his shadow
Ø Phillip was proud
Ø Alexander has this horse for the rest of its life until it died in battle
·        Education
Ø Tutored by Leonidas
Ø Leonidas- taught math, horsemanship, and archery
Ø Rebellious student and had relentless attention
Ø  Also tutored by Lysimachus-used roll play to teach Alexander
Ø 346BC tutored by Aristotle at the Temple
Phillip’s Death: Alexander Rises to Power
·        Phillip’s Assassination
Ø 336BC was killed in Aegea
Ø Assassinated by one of his body guards who was paid off by the Persians
·        Family Relations
Ø Tension in the family
Ø Phillip was married to Cleopatra
Ø At wedding, the uncle told Phillip that Alexander was not fit to be kin
Ø Alexander found out was very angry
·        Alexander Gets Power
Ø Nobody respected him in power
Ø 20 years old when took the role of king
Ø Some plotted to overthrow him and he found out so he executed them to show that people couldn’t mess with him
Military Career
Ø Fought with the Persians
Ø Alexander battled the Persians because they were involved in his father’s death
Ø Battle of Grancius (victory)
Ø Siege of Halicarnassus 334BC
·        Conquering Egypt
Ø Strong hold at Gaza
Ø Lots of trade
Ø Batis refused to give
Ø Fourth assault they took over
Ø Alexander got a shoulder wound
Ø Men were killed, women and children were sold into slavery
Ø Batis was killed by Achilles treatment
·        Invasion of India
Ø Alexander marched into India in 327BC
Ø Invaded Punjab
Ø 326BC forces met the Indians at Porus
Ø India fought with Elephants
Ø Alexander’s horse died in this battle
Ø Named a city after his horse
Ø Won the battle and captured Porus
·        Revolt of the Army
Ø After hearing of a strong army the Macedonians revolted
Ø News came that the Indians had elephants
Ø They wanted to see their family and homeland
Ø General Coenus talked to Alexander who eventually let them go home
Ø Traveled south down the Hydaspes and Indus Rivers
Ø Fought with the Malli Indian Tribe- most warlike
Ø Alexander was seriously injured in this battle
Ø By the time they got home thousands had died from heat  and exhaustion
Ø Started with 34,000 people
·        Either June 10, 323BC or June 11, 323BC (32 years-old)
·        Theory was that he drank poisonous wine
·        Died in the palace Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylon
·        Government
Ø Conquered many lands
Ø Hos empire was the largest state in its time
Ø After his death it remained under Macedonian Rule for 200-300 years
Ø Hellenization purpose- to spread Greek language, culture, and population into the Persian Empire
Ø Hellenistic was Athenian

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