Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rome Rap Notes

Today in class we went over some notes after Holly presented her video. Here are some of the notes. They drained out a swamp to form the city of Rome. They did the same thing while building the city of Washington D.C. Tarquin's son raped a woman, who had a good reputation, got away with it and Lucretia shortly after committed suicide. Tarquin was then ran out of town and was Rome's last monarch. There were three governments that formed into one. Combinations of Democracy, Aristocracy, and plus monarchy. This was not a tyrant rather a Republic. Aristocracy was the like the Senate, with rich and powerful patricians. Monarchy where they have two consuls that could veto each other and could only serve for one year every 10 years. They worked with the Senate and had most of the power. They took all their laws and carved them onto a stone and posted them in town. This was called the twelve tables. The century was a group of eighty soldiers that were mobile. The cavalry was soldiers who fought on horseback. Three Punic wars were all fought between Carthage and Rome. They both claimed Sicily and Rome started a war and won.

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