Sunday, May 5, 2013

Extra Notes

In class on Friday, we got our assignment to write a 500 word essay on Pax Romana. We worked on that for the entire class. I found some extra notes that I needed to add from the powerpoint a few days ago. Here are the notes. While in the triumvirate, Pompey got jealous of Caesar and the Senate was getting worried that he gained too much power. The Senate told Caesar to disband his army before returning to Rome for the war. Caesar decides to ignore them, cross the Rubicon and make a grand entrance. This causes a near civil war between Caesar's forces and Pompey's troops. Pompey  was defeated in Greece and killed in Egypt. In 46 BC Caesar returns to Rome in triumph and is known as the "Father of the Fatherland." He had himself appointed tribune, supreme pontiff, consul, and dictator for life. Some of these at the same time. Caesar resettled war veterans and farmland in Italy and in provinces, extended Roman citizenship for provinces. After Caesar was murdered, Mark Antony and Octavian rallied up JC's troops and formed a triumvirate with Lepidus. Mark Antony and Octavian battle each other then join forces against Caesar's assassins then became enemies again. Antony had a love affair with Cleopatra who was the ruler of Egypt. This was unpopular in Rome.

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