Friday, May 24, 2013

Review For the Test

Today in class we went over the notes for the test and IT WAS HOLLY’S BIRTHDAY!!!! AYAYAYAYAYAAYYAYAY!!!

Feudalism-the governmental system and the relationships between landowners and warriors
feudal compact-  lord would grant a fief (property) to the knight who would then become the lord's vassal (servant)  and it was the agreement between the knights and lord in which the knight  inherits a fief and pledges allegiance to the lord
fief- the land granted to knights by the lords
vassal-was required to pay homage to his lord  (knight/servant), servant of a lord who pledges loyalty
knight- one who pledges allegiance to a lord and defends his land
homage- the gratitude a knight pays to his lord
serf- a laborer of the land
baron-were lords of larger territories who usually paid homage to a king 
peasantry- those who farmed the land of manors owned by the lord
estates- medieval society was divided into three "estates": the clergy, the nobility, and the common people
manor- usually the peasantry farmed on the land plantations known as "manors" which were owned by a lord or lady of the nobility (or a member of the clergy)
three-field-system- a system practiced in order to not over-use land by switching between three fields – one fall crops, one spring crop, one empty field( give it rest)
internal colonization- cultivating and settling of previously uninhabited land
suburb- the land outside the city walls
guild- a group of people who practiced a job
master- the highest ranking artisans of a practice
journeyman- the rand in a guild that gets paid to do their work but is not yet a master
apprentice- an artisan level below journeyman
masterpiece- a piece created by a journeyman approved by a master making him a master
water mill- a water powered ,ill
and yes, iron plow- were invented and water-powered grind mills helped with agriculture

start as an apprentice then move up to a journeymen then you become  a master

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