Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Additions to Power Points

Today in Mr. Schick's Western Civilization class, Mr. Schick was not there. I do not know where Mr. Schick was. We had a sub, Ms. Stahl, who is the German teacher. She is really really  nice. I have had her as a sub before and I like her. Anyway, Mr. Schick left us with a classwork assignment. The assignment was to read LO2 in the book and add additional notes to the power points that we have been working on this week. I am assuming since we did that present our power points today, that we will be presenting them tomorrow or something like that whenever Mr. Schick is back. I am assuming that he will be back by tomorrow but I don’t really know for sure. Well it is snowing like crazy outside tonight so I am hoping we at least have a delay tomorrow. That’d be pretty nice. 

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