Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Movie on Greeks

Today in Mr. Schick’s West Civ class, we watched a movie about the Greeks. In the movies was a man named Socrates. We learned a lot about Socrates in last semester’s Human Geo class. He was an ugly man. In 508 BC, pandemonium erupted in Athens. There was a man named Cleisthenes, who was brought up to be a ruler. He saw that these people that he ruled over should have freedom and the chance to choose their leader. Cleisthenes was born in 570 BC. Also in the movie was a term called an aristocrat. An aristocrat is a rich landowner. In ancient Greece, reading and writing was a rare skill to have.  ¾ of Greece is mountainous which forced the Greeks to travel by water and limited their agriculture. It is impossible for a single ruler to rule all of Greece. This formed city-states. Spartan men were raised to be military men. These men spent most of their time in the barracks. The barracks are military housing. They wore red cloaks to blend in with blood. Death was nothing compared to the food they had to eat or so it has been said. Cleisthenes was inspired by ancient stories and myths.

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